14 Jun 2013

Unity amongst the slaves of Allah- & 4 ways to ensure unity

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

Lack of unity is the reason of unrest amongst the Muslims. The reason due to which the Ummah
today is being destroyed from within, and why it is fraught with friction and arguments.

To try and ensure unity within the ranks, there are 4 asbaab (ways/mediums) ;

  • To have compassion, leniency and softness/gentleness in our character.
  • If a wrong (be it usooli) is directed at us, then we should forgive and we should overlook, and if it is diected at the effort of Da'wah, then we should seek forgiveness for that person.
  • When any wrong is taking place, pray to Allah Almighty because the nurturer and the Guide is Allah Almighty alone.
  • To make a concerted effort to bring mashwara alive.
These four points are fundamental and are means in which true unity can insha'Allah, be created.
There can be no goodness in any effort in which its workers are disunited and in which hearts harbour discord, enmity, malice etc.

Wa Alaikum Salam Wa Rahmatullah


Anonymous said...


Nice to see this blog back.

Nasheed said...

Mashallah Your blog is very inspiring I gotta say. The tips you provide from the "elders" are priceless. I will definitely spend some time (khuruj) Inshallah this year.

Have you heard the Nasheed It is beautiful!

Nasheed said...

Mashallah Your blog is very inspiring I gotta say. The tips you provide from the "elders" are priceless. I will definitely spend some time (khuruj) Inshallah this year.

Have you heard the Nasheed It is beautiful!

Nasheed said...

Mashallah Your blog is very inspiring I gotta say. The tips you provide from the "elders" are priceless. I will definitely spend some time (khuruj) Inshallah this year.

Have you heard the Nasheed It is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

salaam kekee, i can see that you are not active on the blogspot. whats keepn you soo busy. have got married :)