1 Sept 2008

Advice to a Da'ee

Advice to a Da'ee
( By Hadhrat Maulana Yusuf Rahmatullah Alaih)

- Allah's help continues to come to the aid of individuals all the time, but the fact that Allah's help does not come to the nations is due to the fact that the individuals of the nations do not perform righteous deeds as a whole. This means that only some individuals do. As long as a considerable amount of people do not do so, they are not entitled to Allah's favour and help in a collective manner. Thus ' Verily Allah does not change the condition of a nation until they change themselves. ' (Qur'an 13:11)

his means that this is Allah's law, that the general condition of a nation is according to the individual conditions of its people. Muslims desire to be a respected nation, but to achieve this it is necessary that there should be a general turn towards good. The fact that some individual is a righteous person does not confer the label of righteousness to his nation.

2- The question was asked, ' What is the sign of anyone being the most diligent follower of the sunnah of the Prophet peace be upon him and who is the most diligent follower? '

Hadhrat replied, ' There is a general consensus upon the fact wherein there is no doubt at all, that from the first day of the Prophet's Divine Mission right up to his last breath, the work which the Prophet peace be upon him continued to do by day and by night continuously, was Da'wah and Tabligh.
If we want to call ourselves followers of his Sunnah, we should look at our own lives and see to which extent we are following him in this work, which we all agree to, that he performed the most. See how much of desire there is for this work, how much enthusiasm, and how much time and dedication we are spending upon it. There is no doubt that one of the greatest sunnah is the work of Da'wah and Tabligh, striving in the path of Allah and striving that Allah's word and commands be carried out on earth.

3- Hadhrat said, ' The solution to the problem of the bad conditions wherein the Muslims find themselves today, lies in the Da'wah Ilallah calling towards Allah. Allah says, ' O Messenger! convey that which has been revealed to you and if you do not, you have not delivered the message. Allah will save you from the people. (5:67)

In other words, if you deliver my (Allah's) message, i ( Allah) will become your protector and helper. I will be your helper amongst your enemies and cause you to become victorious over them. Do not fear, for no one will be able to do harm or prevent you from doing work.
Outwardly, it seems as if this is directed at RasulAllah alone, but it is also addressed to those who follow in his path. He handed this responsibility over to them as is mentioned in the hadith, ' You are Allah's witnesses on earth. '

The fact that Allah says in the above verse, ' Allah will save you from the people' is a clear indication that Da'wah Ilallah, calling towards Allah is the real solution of all the problems of the Muslims. '

4- Hadhrat said,' There is no need to make mashwara with regard to the performing of good deeds. Shah Abdul Qadir writes regarding this point that when an intention arises in the heart of anyone to do a good deed, he should do so immediately because it is possible that within a short while that intention may change. It is possible that the mind may tell him (at the time of charity) ' Why give one note or what is the use of giving one note when you are unable to give a thousand? ' In all these thoughts the result may be that not a single note may be given and he will be deprived of the reward completely.

So when an idea of doing a good deed arises within one, it should be performed immediately. There is no need to make mashwara or istikhara. Mashwara and istikhara only concerns those matters where the truth and benefits are not clear and obvious.

(Subulas Salam)


Anonymous said...

Jazkallah Khair for posting. I was really moved by point #4. May Allah Tala instill in us the fuyooz (benedictions) and barkat of Hazrat Yusuf Khandlawi.

Muslima21 said...


Anonymous said...

May Allah make all Muslims a complete
Da'ee . If we Muslims truly follow Islam and fulfill the responsibility of Da'wah then the whole Nations of this World may accept Islam. The time is not too far when the whole World shall come under the Shadow of Islam.
Hafiz Adil Umar